Gilfillan Farm
Tractor Barn
All of the identified structures on the Gilfillan Farm property are in need of varying levels of restoration work. It is the mission of the Historical Society of Upper St. Clair to restore the historic buildsings and reconstruct those that are no longer standing, to the standards set forth by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
Built in the 1870's
Historic Garage
Built around the 1870's, the tractor barn was constructed for the purpose of storing the farm's machinery and large equipment.

Restoration Work to Date
- New roof 2009
- New gutters 2012
Future Work & Estimated Costs
- Stabilize building- TBD
- Repair the floor- TBD
- Repaint the building- TBD

In the 1870's, the Gilfillan Farm was not operated using tractors or advanced machinery. During that time, agriculture was still advancing from hand power to horse and/or oxen power. With this revoluation came an advancement in equipments suchs as plows, cultivators, and planters.
In order to preserve this equipment, it was necessary for farms to have buildings for which the equipment was stored and protected from harsh weather conditions. The original design of the building was similar to that of a barn. However, one side of the building had large open doorways with angled corners at the top. At some point throughout the tractor barn's history, the triple sliding doors were added, hiding the original angled corners of the openings. As equipment advanced, the building became home to the farm's tractors and other machinery. Aside from equipment, the tractor barn's second level has served as an additional space to store hay.
In order to preserve this equipment, it was necessary for farms to have buildings for which the equipment was stored and protected from harsh weather conditions. The original design of the building was similar to that of a barn. However, one side of the building had large open doorways with angled corners at the top. At some point throughout the tractor barn's history, the triple sliding doors were added, hiding the original angled corners of the openings. As equipment advanced, the building became home to the farm's tractors and other machinery. Aside from equipment, the tractor barn's second level has served as an additional space to store hay.