Gilfillan Farm
Bedner Shed
All of the identified structures on the Gilfillan Farm property are in need of varying levels of restoration work. It is the mission of the Historical Society of Upper St. Clair to restore the historic buildsings and reconstruct those that are no longer standing, to the standards set forth by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
Built in Early-1900's
A Transplant Building
It is estimated that the Bedner Shed was built in the early 1900's on the nearby Bedner Farm. In 2014, the Bedner Shed was moved to Gilfillan Farm.

Restoration Work to Date
- Slate roof repairs as needed
Future Work & Estimated Costs
- Slate roof repairs

A Piece of History
It may come as a surprise to know that the Bedner Shed at the Gilfillan Farm is a building that is not original to the property. In fact, the shed wasn't even built by the Gilfillans, nor did it serve any kind of purpose to them.
The Bedner Shed was originally built on the Bedner Farm property on Cook School Road. The Historical Society of Upper St. Clair needed additional storage space for tools and supplies that would be used for the large garden on the Gilfillan Farm. As a way to preserve another piece of Upper St. Clair history and to pay homage to the Bedner Farm, the Historical Society of Upper St. Clair acquired the Bedner Shed and relocated it to the Gilfillan property.
The Bedner Shed was originally built on the Bedner Farm property on Cook School Road. The Historical Society of Upper St. Clair needed additional storage space for tools and supplies that would be used for the large garden on the Gilfillan Farm. As a way to preserve another piece of Upper St. Clair history and to pay homage to the Bedner Farm, the Historical Society of Upper St. Clair acquired the Bedner Shed and relocated it to the Gilfillan property.